
Publisher Description

MOTOR NEURON METER or MONEU is carefully designed game. It has methods to assess the Motor-Neuron activity of the left and right brain. Designed to be a fun among friends, it does finds applications in some serious situations too.

As a Game:

1. You have 4 modes Right Brain, Left Brain, Left and Right Brain and Whole Brain.

2. You have 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 attempts.

3. You have 3 levels of complexity.

You have to start from Right Brain and get 100% dominance in Right, then play the Left, Left and Right modes for all attempts and all three levels until you get 100% dominance.

Then you play the Whole Brain in all attempts and levels and to master it such that your left and right is synchronised. When you play whole brain, there are both visual and auditory stimuli. You can have a lot of fun while you are training your brain too.

Once you have mastered how to get the best out of your brain, you will see the difference in how you view the world, how your Spouse and friends rate you and see how you grow up the ladder of your organization as a BALANCED person.

How this game can help me?

While we have a natural tendency towards one way of thinking, the two sides of our brain work together in our everyday lives. The right brain of the brain focuses on the visual, and processes information in an intuitive and simultaneous way, looking first at the whole picture then the details. The focus of the left brain is verbal, processing information in an analytical and sequential way, looking first at the pieces then putting them together to get the whole.

Left brain thinking is verbal and analytical. Right brain is non-verbal and intuitive, using pictures rather than words. The best illustration of this is to listen to people give directions. The left brain person will say something like From here, go west three blocks and turn north on Vine Street. Go three or four miles and then turn east onto Broad Street. The right brain person will sound something like this: Turn right (pointing right), by the church over there (pointing again). Then you will pass a McDonalds and a Walmart, At the next light, turn right toward the Gas station.

Though right-brain or non-verbal thinking is often regarded as more creative , there is no right or wrong it is merely two different ways of thinking. One is not better than the other, just as being right-handed is not superior to being left-handed. What is important is to be aware that there are different ways of thinking, and by knowing what your natural preference is, you can pay attention to your less dominant side to improve the same.

By activating the power of both hemispheres, you will be able to retain knowledge better and become proficient in any subject, especially math.

So as you now know, the human brain consists of the right brain and the left brain. The shapes of these two parts are similar, but differences have been gradually found in their functions. The left brain is also referred to as the digital brain. It controls reading and writing, calculation, and logical thinking. The right brain is referred to as the analog brain. It controls three-dimensional sense, creativity, and artistic senses. These two work together, to allow us to function as humans.

So now TRAIN YOUR BRAINRequires iOS 7.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

About Moneu

Moneu is a free app for iOS published in the Action list of apps, part of Games & Entertainment.

The company that develops Moneu is Scalene Entertainment Studio Private Limited. The latest version released by its developer is 1.0.

To install Moneu on your iOS device, just click the green Continue To App button above to start the installation process. The app is listed on our website since 2016-04-06 and was downloaded 4 times. We have already checked if the download link is safe, however for your own protection we recommend that you scan the downloaded app with your antivirus. Your antivirus may detect the Moneu as malware if the download link is broken.

How to install Moneu on your iOS device:

  • Click on the Continue To App button on our website. This will redirect you to the App Store.
  • Once the Moneu is shown in the iTunes listing of your iOS device, you can start its download and installation. Tap on the GET button to the right of the app to start downloading it.
  • If you are not logged-in the iOS appstore app, you'll be prompted for your your Apple ID and/or password.
  • After Moneu is downloaded, you'll see an INSTALL button to the right. Tap on it to start the actual installation of the iOS app.
  • Once installation is finished you can tap on the OPEN button to start it. Its icon will also be added to your device home screen.

Program Details


Released Date



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Download information

File size
73.4 MB
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Version History

Here you can find the changelog of Moneu since it was posted on our website on 2016-09-25. The latest version is 1.0 and it was updated on Soft112 on 22 April, 2024. See below the changes in each version:

version 1.0

posted on 2016-04-06

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Users Rating:
  0.0/5     0
Downloads: 4
Updated At: 2024-04-22
Operating System: iOS
License Type: Free